To prevent Donald Trump being re-elected, the US establishment threw everything at him – from two assassination attempts to dozens of court cases, vile abuse, RussiaGate, and much else. But Trump won through despite the veritable onslaught against him in the mainstream media, as well as social media, in which ‘left’ liberals and conservatives joined hands in a frenzied anti-Trump alliance.
Trump won because he kept his connection with his electoral base.
Trump’s victory is, at least for the present, a defeat for the globalist regime-change and forever-war establishment.
Economic factors played a big role – the cost of living, the crises in housing and in health care, for example. Added to those are the questions of drug abuse, suicides, police reform, etc. All these questions need urgent attention. They concern working people who care nothing for woke culture and political correctness, and little for the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, which Trump says he would like to pull Nato out of.
As the war in Ukraine has already been lost, it should not be too difficult to get out. The aims of the Russian Special Military Operation have been achieved. The agreement to that effect has but to be signed and sealed. The defeat of Nato’s proxy war against Russia is a devastating blow to Nato, the US and the European elite. Precisely for that reason, the Biden administration in its dying hours is doing its worst to send ever more financial and military support to Zelensky’s junta so as to tie the hands of the incoming Trump administration to project Ukraine.
Trump’s main concern is immigration. He wants to deport 11 million undocumented workers. On this he would be opposed by many of the heads of industries such as agriculture, construction and healthcare as well as humanitarian organisations who find it morally reprehensible to separate parents from their children born in the US.
On disengagement from the conflict in Ukraine, he is likely to come up against opposition from the deep state, military top brass, neo-cons and the Democratic Party echelons, just as was the case during his first administration over seeking to get US forces out of Syria, when his own officials blocked, deflected and slow-walked his orders. This time may be different – we shall see.
Trump bears a justifiable grudge against the media that has hounded him, and he wishes to be avenged.
US society is highly polarised, a situation to which Trump has contributed. There is a near lack of trust in the government and the media. Public discussion and political rhetoric has coarsened to an unheard of degree.
These are interesting times. One thing is certain, i.e., that US imperialism and its junior partners in Europe are on a downward trajectory, while the countries gathered in BRICS are on an upward trajectory. The dollar faces an existential crisis in the not too distant future; the European countries’ governments are falling like ninepins; the German economy, the locomotive of the EU, is in a shambles; there are deep divisions in the EU over the question of giving further aid to the Zelensky regime.
Western countries, led by the US, initiated the proxy war in Ukraine to weaken and divide Russia and loot it all the more easily, believing that Russia was too weak economically and militarily to withstand their economic sanctions and military might. Things have turned out differently. Economic sanctions have hurt the imperialists, while Russia has emerged stronger economically.
On the military front, Nato has suffered humiliating blows, with its Ukrainian proxies on the verge of collapse. Nato leaders believed that Russia would run out of armaments and munitions to sustain its effort; in fact Russia produced far more military materiel than all the Nato countries combined and is emerging victorious – which is causing deep divisions in the Nato bloc. The leaders of European countries are shaking in their boots with the prospect that the US – always the main prop of this neo-Nazi outfit, may pull the plug and force them into a humiliating march in the direction of the Kremlin to meekly seek reconciliation and restoration of normal trade, economic and diplomatic relations. Russia has never been so strong since the collapse of the erstwhile glorious Soviet Union. That would be poetic justice. The European countries (which include Britain) will only be reaping what they have sown. They lived by the sword, they will go down by the sword. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
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