Israel’s path to self-destruction

Some facts Israel’s genocidal war against the Palestinian people has been going on for over eight months, during which: • 37,780 Palestinians have been slaughtered, including 548 in the West Bank – most of them women and children.  This does not include the 10,000 still buried in the rubble; • At least 42 Palestinians have … [Read more…]

All the weapons of the West

The imperialists are finding out to their cost that it is people, not weapons, that are ultimately decisive in war. On 5 June, during a visit to the town of Kiryat Shmona, near the Lebanese border of northern occupied Palestine, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israel was prepared for “very intense action” to … [Read more…]

Depleted Israeli military on brink of collapse

As the Israeli army faces severe personnel shortages, fatigue and desertion, and with their political leadership focusing on personal survival, a top Israeli general is predicting that the end of Israel is near at hand. By Dan Cohen This article is reproduced from Uncaptured Media, with thanks. ***** On 9 October, two days after the … [Read more…]

Ukraine – a futile imperialist peace summit

Back in May, without making much of a splash in the mainstream press, China and Brazil presented a joint proposal to start peace talks that would include both Kiev and Russia. Unlike the sham peace talks being planned by Switzerland to take place in Lucerne, the China/Brazil talks would include both Moscow and Kiev, reasoning … [Read more…]

A specific communist’s perspective of a general election

A lot has changed since the general election of 2019 and, from the British working class’s perspective, none of it has been positive. From this writer’s personal perspective, the fact that I am a now committed communist has been transformational. It’s important to explain a little of my journey to this moment because it has … [Read more…]

Revisionism and the general election

The opportunism and dogmatism of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB), and its predecessor organisation the Communist Party of Great Britain post 1951, is well known to all genuine Marxist-Leninists and anti-imperialists. The fateful decision taken in 1951 to advocate for supporting the Labour Party is one that has never been reversed and ultimately led … [Read more…]

European Elections – austerity and war mongering, genocide supporting parties routed

Elections to the European parliament across the 27 countries of the European Union took place between 6-9 June.  The results of these elections are as below: Name of the groupingSeats wonPercentage of seatsEPP (European People’s Party)18825.10ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists)8311.53Renew Europe7510.48S&D (Alliance of Socialists and Democrats)13618.89The Left395.42NI (Not attached)456.25ID (Identity and Democracy)588.50Others425.83 The overall voter … [Read more…]

STALIN on the Labour Party and on NATO

Apropos of the Statement of Mr. Morrison [the British Foreign Secretary ot the then Labor governement] Mr. Morrison has put forward two sets of questions: questions concerning internal politics and those dealing with external politics. Internal Politics Mr. Morrison affirms that in the Soviet Union there is no freedom of speech, press or personal freedom. … [Read more…]

Declassified UK – an ideological defence mechanism of imperialism in its final death throes

How the imperialists allow criticism of past offences in order to whitewash the crimes of the present. Declassified UK is an online media publisher consisting of a group of journalists and editors under a board of directors funded by big capital (‘trusts and foundations’), according to its website, which paradoxically also claims that its journalists … [Read more…]