Granada refuses to carry out decision of Industrial Tribunal
by Malkiat Bilku, on behalf of the strikers
New Tribunal Hearing,
12-14 May
A new Industrial Tribunal has been called for 12-14 May to discuss the refusal by Granada to carry out the last Tribunal decision to re-engage us at Hillingdon Hospital. The Tribunal ruled last October that it was practicable to re-engage 21 of the strikers. There is a considerable turnover of jobs at the Hospital and even Granada had to admit that there was immediately ten jobs available. They then had six months granted by the Tribunal to find the rest.
Granada did not offer a single job
Granada is the same as Pall Mall – they just want a cheap labour force in the hospitals so that they can continue to make huge profits.
Granada sits on the government’s Low Pay Commission – they should be thrown off this body as they refuse to re-engage us at the hospital and in no way represent an opposition to low pay. UNISON also has a representative on the Commission but they have not challenged Granada about the our re-engagement. UNISON should stand up for its members, particularly the low paid.
The recent demonstration in Newcastle against low pay means nothing if the battle is not waged every day against these cheap-skate privateers that are taking over the health and other vital services to make huge profits.
We do not stand alone
Thousands of UNISON and other trade union members are fighting low pay in hospitals, local councils and private industry. This is why we insist that last year’s UNISON National Conference decision that overwhelmingly agreed that we be restored to full membership and that UNISON should do everything possible to negotiate with Granada to ensure reinstatement, must be carried out. UNISON leaders so far have refused to carry out this Conference decision. They must be made to fight for their members – if not, then they must be made to resign.
Keep supporting us
We are now into our fourth winter on strike and we remain more determined than ever to win our jobs back at Hillingdon Hospital. We certainly have not been out for over three years just to be paid off by Granada. This battle must be won to defeat the low pay privateers.
We thank you for all your magnificent support for all this time – please keep it up as we rely on it. We HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR COMPENSATORY AWARD which was granted by the Tribunal because of Granada’s challenge. We urgently need financial help, particularly for our evening ladies who have received no hardship money from the union since the Conference – so please send us a donation.
Our very many thanks.
[Hillingdon Strikers, c/o 27 Townsend Way, Northwood, Middx HA6 1TG. Tel: 0956-135311 – please make cheques payable to HSSC]
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