CELEBRATING THE OCTOBER REVOLUTIONOn Nov. 11th, organised by the Committee to Celebrate the October Revolution, a grand rally, attended by more than 250 people was held in the City Club, Wakefield. Prof. Vic Allen chaired the meeting and, apart from Comrade Arthur Scargill, Harpal Brar and Sukant Chandan (SLP Youth) addressed the Rally. There was … [Read more…]

Continuing Israeli oppression and Palestinian resistance

The Al-Aqsa Intifada, born out of Zionist settler oppression and brutality, and the heroic Palestinian resistance to it, continues unabated. Since the last issue ofLalkar,the death toll has reached 350, all but 38 of the dead being Palestinians, including 13 Arabs within Israel. In addition, 10,000 Palestinian civilians have been seriously injured by Israeli rifle … [Read more…]

Institutional Racism:

A comment on the recent controversy aroused by Mr William Hague’s remarksRacist outbursts by leaders of bourgeois political parties are invariably a sign of the nearness of the next election. The recent outburst by the Tory leader, William Hague, is no exception. In his speech to the Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), he attacked the … [Read more…]

06Greenwich & Bexley IWA(GB) Rally

On Sunday 12th November the Greenwich and Bexley branch of the Indian Workers Association (Great Britain) held a rally attended by 200 people. The programme for the day was of revolutionary poetry, humour, theatre (due especially to IWAGB comrades who came from Birmingham for the day) and dance by young people. The cultural programme was … [Read more…]

British government exposed

 On Saturday the 25th of October the Ruling Council of the Ulster Unionist Party met yet again to decide the fate of peace in Northern Ireland by considering whether to continue half-heartedly with the Good Friday Agreement (GFA), or simply to scrap it altogether. The ruling council met to consider proposals from a group of … [Read more…]


Double the old-age pension now and restore the link If the link between pensions and earnings were restored today, those of Britain’s poverty-stricken elderly who have only their pensions to live on would receive an extra £30 a week each. This would be enough to provide at least proper heating for the 40,000 plus old people … [Read more…]

No, this is no time for poetry

Poem deicated to the Palestinian people by Sukant Chandan Not many were fighting like when you erupted,You took cover behind those walls,The defunct enemy you were confronting.What’s the point of negotiation when allWe receive is provocation upon provocationNo! This is not going to make us fall!And now we’re stepping up with the armed tactics,Stones, slings, petrol … [Read more…]

Report – two meetings on Palestine in Brighton

Two meetings on Palestine in Brighton Wednesday, 1st of November witnessed two meetings on the question of Palestine in Brighton. These meetings were initiated by the Socialist Labour Party Youth who are also members of the Sussex University Palestine Society and the national Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. One meeting took place at 3pm on the campus of … [Read more…]

Reclaim our Rights conference

 On October 22nd trade-union activists from across the country gathered at a Conference in London organised by the United Campaign to Repeal Anti-Trade Union Laws. Speaker after speaker gave examples of their struggles against bad conditions at work, against privatisation in various sectors such as health and transport, etc., which demonstrated clearly the need to … [Read more…]

Report on SLP’s education school

 The Education Committee of the SLP organised its first-ever national School on education. It took place at the weekend of 2-3 September in Saklatvala Hall, Southall. This School was very well attended, specially by young people. Presentations, followed by discussion, were made on such subjects as Capitalism, Socialism, Imperialism, and Education. The School concluded with … [Read more…]