13: 58 dead refugees killed –

 This issue of the 58 killed refugees was on the front page ofThe Timesof 20 June, and how do they report the deaths of these refugees? Who do they blame? The blame is given entirely to the gangsters who are organising the journeys – “who care only for money, not for the safety of their … [Read more…]

Rover and Ford – Grand-scale betrayal of the working class

 Longbridge updateWhen the last issue ofLalkarcame out the news had just broken that the notorious Alchemy bid for Rover had fallen through. There was no time to change the text of our article, which went through as written. In any event, the analysis of the crisis of overproduction and the causes of under-capitalisation of the … [Read more…]

The World Trade Organisation

– an imperialist carve-up threatening to disintegrate The first part of this article was in the May/June LALKAR. Below we reproduce the second, and concluding, part.Part 2BananasTechnically, the Final Act does allow governments to take measures to protect the environment and public health, but the question is: where does one draw the line? With the ‘Frankenstein … [Read more…]

Zimbabwe election – a defeat for imperialism

 Election resultsZimbabwe’s parliamentary elections, in the outcome of which imperialism had placed high hopes, have proved rather disappointing for it. ZANU(PF) won 62 out of the 120 contested seats, five more than were won by the so-called Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), headed by Morgan Tsvangirai, a revolting flunkey of imperialism. Of the 2.8 million … [Read more…]

Bhagat Singh Rally

Bhagat Singh Rally in SouthallOn April 8th, an excellent anti-imperialist Rally took place at the Saklatvala Hall, Southall, to commemorate the martyrdom of Bhagat Singh. 68 years since Bhagat Singh and his comrades died a martyrs death at the hands of British imperialism, the contribution of Bhagat Singh to the working-class movement lives on in … [Read more…]

Elian Gonzalez

In the early hours of Saturday 22 April, federal agents, rescued a terrified Elian Gonzalez from his counter-revolutionary Miami relatives, and a few hours later he was returned to his father. Despite the horrors of his rescue, reunion with his family brought an expression of radiant happiness to Elian’s face ­ a face which says … [Read more…]


Who are these men?What are they to me,These dead men From a land across the sea?They dared against the British RajTo raise their hand.If my own countrymen decreed their deathWhy should I take a stand?ButThe British ruling classThat these men defiedPlundered with sword and gun and sly intrigue.Their modern spawnSmile with imperialist prideAnd, guns behind … [Read more…]

Skychef workers

TheMorning Starof 24 April 2000 carries the headline ‘Skychefs win long struggle’, and the text of the article goes on to say, inter alia: “Skychef workers won their 17-month old battle yesterday for the right to return to work … The settlement agreed yesterday includes the right for the workers to return to their former … [Read more…]