Macedonian villagers force NATO troops to leave

The odyssey of the NATO troops who were thrown out of the Macedonian village of Zbrnjak, near Kumanovo, could have ended in tragedy for them if the Macedonian Special police force had not escorted them to Tabanovci, close to the Yugoslav border.A large protest movement against the deployment NATO troops in Macedonia began in Kumanovo … [Read more…]

Hillingdon Hospital Strike Update

Granada refuses to carry out decision of Industrial Tribunalby Malkiat Bilku, on behalf of the strikersNew Tribunal Hearing,12-14 MayA new Industrial Tribunal has been called for 12-14 May to discuss the refusal by Granada to carry out the last Tribunal decision to re-engage us at Hillingdon Hospital. The Tribunal ruled last October that it was … [Read more…]

Conflict in the Balkans: Alan Clark’s View

 Alan Clark is a right-wing Conservative MP and a former Defence Minister. We produce his view on the war in Yugoslavia for two reasons: (1) it exposes the hypocritical assertions of Clinton and Blair as to the justness of this war, and (2) it objectively gives a powerful support to the anti-war movement and at … [Read more…]


Stop the bombing! Lift the SanctionsOn Saturday, April 17, thousands marched through the streets of London from Hyde Park, pass the American Embassy, to Trafalgar Square led by Dennis Halliday, former UN Assistant General Secretary, George Galloway MP, Tony Benn MP and Arthur Scargill, NUM President, Gen Sec SLP (who gave his apologies that an … [Read more…]

News from Ireland

reproduced from RM Distribution, with thanks. Ethnic cleansing ‘must end’The two loyalist pipe bomb attacks in Randalstown, County Antrim on Wednesday [April 14] are only the latest in a long list of attacks which,“amount to nothing short of a sectarian pogrom against Catholics in the South Antrim since the beginning of the year”,said the area’s Sinn … [Read more…]

Comrade Jagmohan Joshi

This year will mark 20 years since Comrade Jagmohan Joshi, General Secretary of the Indian Workers Association (GB) for several years, died on June 3, 1979.He was not only a relentless fighter against racism but also a tireless participant in the anti-imperialist and working-class movement. Those of us who had the privilege to know him … [Read more…]


Statement by Brian Becker, Co-Chairperson US Out of Korea Committee, February 4, 1999It’s almost a half a century since the open military conflict in the Korean peninsula ended with the signing of the armistice agreement on June 27, 1953.Nearly fifty years later and no peace treaty. Why? Because the United States government wants to continue … [Read more…]

Kurdish New Year Festival

Laws of history are stronger than laws of artillery!Saturday March 20th saw the advent of the Kurdish New Year festival “Navroz”. This festival was marked by displaced Kurdish communities world wide as well as Kurds throughout Turkey: a courageous assertion of nationhood in view of the astonishing level of cultural repression there prevalent, which forbids … [Read more…]

Revocation of Med TV’s Broadcast Licence

Med TV is outraged at the decision by the Independent Television Commission (ITC) to revoke its licence. Both in written representations and in the hearing before the Commissioners on 9 April, Med TV set out a detailed programme and news restructure for the future which should have satisfied the Commission.Med TV had already been punished … [Read more…]


Ocalan handed over to the butchersOn the evening of Monday 15 February, Mr.Abdullah Ocalan, the highly-respected and much-loved leader of the PKK (Workers’ Party of Kurdistan) – the party representing the national aspirations of the Kurdish people of south eastern Turkey – was handed over by the imperialist hyenas and their stooges to the tender … [Read more…]