Troubles at Evergrande and their ramifications

The Chinese construction giant Evergrande is teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.  With a debt of over $300bn, it missed an interest payment of $83.5m in September, triggering a grace period of 30 days within which to make the payment or default.  In the last week of October it just managed to make the interest … [Read more…]

No academic freedom to support Palestine

Bristol University have sacked a professor, David Miller, accusing him of anti-Semitism.  This action follows a two-year long campaign against Professor Miller run by the Union of Jewish Students, the Jewish Society at Bristol University, Thangam Debonnaire, Labour MP for Bristol West, The Campaign Against Antisemitism and very many Zionist/Israel connected individuals around the globe.  … [Read more…]

Yanis Varoufakis and DIEM25: Erratic Marxism and consistent Anti-Communism

In this article, we feel compelled to address the phenomenon called Yanis Varoufakis, especially as it seems to be exercising a continuous charm over sections of liberal leftists and some young people who are beguiled by his indeterminate theoretical ‘Marxist’ self-identity. Yanis possesses the talent of evocative prose when it comes to exposing the ills … [Read more…]

Polexit looming?

Just 17 years ago, when Poland and Hungary joined the EU, western imperialism was rubbing its collective hands with glee as what they perceived to be a noose, tightened around the neck of now capitalist, but still independent, Russia.  The influence of even right wing eastern European states within the EU, however, has had a … [Read more…]

Jobs are available – let asylum seekers in and let them work!

Britain is in the middle of an acute shortage of workers in low-paid, long-houred and only short-term secure jobs.  Basically, jobs without much of a future for the worker who is temporarily employed in them. Experts tell us its all the fault of Brexit, while others tell us that it’s all caused by the pandemic!  … [Read more…]

Abimael Guzman – death of a great revolutionary leader

On 11 September 2021 the death was announced of 86-year old Comrade Abimael Guzman, otherwise known as Chairman Gonzalo, in a Peruvian prison. He had been incarcerated for nearly 30 years, his crime being to have led a major insurgency in Peru which had come close to overthrowing the puppet Peruvian government that took its … [Read more…]

Tribute to Comrade Tamila Yabrova 1929-2021

(Excerpts from the tribute given by the COMMUNIST FRONT (ITALY)) It’s with deep sorrow that we learned that, at 08:30 on 3 September 2021, the indomitable heart of comrade Tamila Yabrova stopped beating. She died at the age of 92 from … COVID-19 … in Kiev. …The international communist movement loses with her a legendary … [Read more…]

A curate’s egg: Shapps’s ‘Great British Railways’ scam

The train operating company Southeastern, run by Go-Ahead, is the South East franchise holder. Or at least it was until the transport secretary, Grant Shapps, abruptly withdrew the franchise amid a welter of fraud allegations, sending Go-Ahead’s share values down by 25 percent. The main allegations concern advance payments made to the company to cover … [Read more…]