Donations in support of LALKAR

“Bourgeois newspapers are maintained by large sums of capital.  Workers’ newspapers are maintained by funds collected by the workers themselves”  V.I.Lenin

Lenin, leader of the Bolshevik Party, inspirer of the October Revolution, paid close attention to the development of a working-class press, which he saw as decisive in the revolutionary struggle against capitalism

This month we express our thanks for the contributions made by two comrades in the Midlands who each donated £500.

Comrade Avtar Singh Jouhl and

Comrade Shingara Singh Dhaliwal

We thank them from the bottom of our hearts and encourage others to follow their example. 

Please send your contributions to LALKAR, 14 Featherstone Road, Southall. UB2 5AA. Make cheques payable to LALKAR or pay via ‘PayPal’

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