Zionists, beaten in Gaza, pursue a wider conflict

War crimes Between 7 October 2023 and 15 August 2024, the Zionist murder squads – the Israeli armed forces (IDF) – have slaughtered 40,634 Palestinians, of whom 40,005 were in Gaza.  11,445 of the victims (30%) were women, and 16,251 children. 92,000 have been injured, some of them very badly.  10,000 lie under the rubble, … [Read more…]

Ukraine is losing the war, sparking panic in the imperialist pack

On Tuesday 6 August Ukraine launched a surprise offensive into the Russian province of Kursk in what the Russian president Vladymir Putin characterised as a “large-scale provocation”. Moscow declared a federal-level state of emergency across the regions of Kursk, Bryansk and Belgorod and moved quickly to mobilise supplementary forces to deal with the threat. In … [Read more…]

Another US coup topples the elected government of Bangla Desh

On 5 August 2024, Sheikh Hasina, the prime minister of Bangla Desh, was forced to flee the country by helicopter at 45 minutes notice owing to escalating violence that threatened her life.  The bourgeois media in imperialist countries enthusiastically welcomed her departure, excoriating her as an autocrat and even a fascist, albeit that she was … [Read more…]

Kenyan youth rebellion against imperialist super-exploitation

During June and July this year Kenya suffered major unrest, as thousands took to the street day after day, not only in Nairobi, the capital, but also in other towns throughout the country, to protest against a Finance Bill designed to further impoverish a population that was already suffering serious deprivation. With “MPs due to … [Read more…]

British General Election – the hollow victory of the Labour Party puts Britain even more firmly on the warpath

The Labour Party have swept to power with an overwhelming parliamentary majority in the British General Election held on 4 July 2024.  Yet despite their 403 seats (an absolute majority of 167 seats), anti-Labour sentiment is running at an all-time high across all parts of the population. This antipathy will only grow during the term … [Read more…]

Professor David Miller on Zionist control of the Labour Party

This article is reproduced from Professor David Miller’s twitter account, with thanks When it comes to the Labour Party the term ‘state capture’ is correct. But, if I may, ‘bought and paid for’ is only one element of the iron grip the Zionist settler-colony has on the Party. I suggest the following elements of capture: … [Read more…]

Furious Unite members rail against ‘abandonment’

A recent article on the left-Labour website Squawkbox detailed allegations made by a group of activists in Unite the Union regarding their treatment by the Labour Party and their trade union (‘”Our great union is to be Starmer’s poodle” – furious Unite members on “abandonment”’, 17 July 2024). The activists had been expelled from Labour … [Read more…]

Riots and the awakening of class consciousness

History proves that if people believe in a bright future, they work and fight side by side irrespective of differences. Humans are not naturally racist, prejudiced or biased. These behaviours are cultivated by those in power to maintain their power. Our bitterest enemy is not fractions of a beleaguered working class, but the ruling elite. … [Read more…]