Statement of the Anti-Imperialist Platform: How the KKE uses Marxist terminology to cover its retreat from Marxism

The party of the Greek revolution has objectively transformed itself into an agent of imperialism, both nationally and internationally (1). On the basis of a Marxist analysis of the rapidly escalating imperialist war drive, anti-imperialists of the communist movement came together last year to form the World Anti-imperialist Platform. This was done in order to … [Read more…]

Oppenheimer the film, a review

This film, directed and written by Christopher Nolan, currently on release and the subject of much publicity and hype, is well worth seeing on many levels.  It is a fascinating story, filmed with great artistry.  It is acknowledged to be based on the book American Prometheus by Kai Bird (2005). The authors view Oppenheimer as … [Read more…]

Price-gouging is a real monopoly practice. But is it really at the root of the global economic crisis?

For decades, Oxfam shops have been a common fixture on British high streets. Their twin-track approach of selling cheap second-hand clothes, used books, tantalising bric-a-brac and ethically-sourced products from developing countries, with the promise of charitable contributions winging their way to the wretchedly poor overseas, has appeared to be a winning formula: spending and salvation. … [Read more…]

Macquarie stokes the roaring inflationary fires

When privatised water utility Thames Water was publicly exposed for its dire record of negligence, letting Victorian-era pipes go to rack and ruin, failing to keep up with the resultant leaks and deliberately dumping raw sewage into the region’s waterways, the initial public reaction was to focus on individual examples of mismanagement, negligence, incompetence and … [Read more…]

Prigozhin’s failed mutiny

On Saturday 24 June 2023, Yevgeny Prigozhin, head of the private military group called Wagner, occupied some key points in the southern Russian city of Rostov-on-Don, after which he began a march towards Moscow with a view to effecting a change in the composition of the Russian regime, if not to overthrow it altogether. For … [Read more…]

Ukraine update

With Kiev smarting from the loss of Artemovsk to Russian forces, the long anticipated counteroffensive by Ukraine began on 5 June. In the first few days Ukrainian forces launched attacks all along the front line and there are reports of towns being taken, lost and taken again, but to date there have been no significant … [Read more…]

Thames Water scandal – is the party drawing to its close?

As we go to press it has been announced that Sarah Bentley, the CEO of Thames Water, is resigning on the basis that the company is no longer financially viable and The Times is reporting that government ministers are drawing up contingency plans for the company’s collapse. It seems that next year average water bills … [Read more…]

Human rights in the UK? What human rights?

The Public Order Act (POA) 2023 is another extreme limitation of, and general attack on, the civil liberties of protesters who want to stay within the legally acceptable rules while expressing their displeasure over any aspect of government policy or who are trying to fight against a bellicose hostile employer.  The truth that has not … [Read more…]