Afghanistan – Imperialism’s unwinnable war

It will be recalled that shortly after the events of 11 September 2001 in America where Saudi and Egyptian men took over passenger airliners and destroyed the Twin Towers of the World Trade Centre in New York by flying into them, and likewise severely damaging the Pentagon building in Washington, the Bush administration took advantage … [Read more…]

Dismembering history: How Trotskyism “remembers” the Spanish Civil War

2006 sees the 70th anniversary of the fascist rebellion which triggered a three-year people’s war in defence of the Spanish Republic against General Franco’s fascist rebels, who were lavishly assisted by German and Italian fascism, and were further strengthened by the embargo on supplies to the beleaguered Republic imposed by Britain, France and the USA … [Read more…]

Blatant election fraud in Mexico

On July 2 this year Mexico held presidential elections. The winner was declared to be the protégé of US imperialism, the Harvard educated close friend of President Bush, Felipe Calderon. This result, however, was so obviously rigged that “crowds of protesters [have been] squatting in Mexico City for weeks protesting against alleged vote-rigging”. There is, … [Read more…]

Lebanon: Israeli defeat ushers in a new middle east

The most recent 34-day war between Israel, backed to the hilt by Anglo-US imperialism, and the Lebanese resistance, Hizbollah, concluded with an uneasy and fragile truce on 14 August following a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire. This war has been a most humiliating defeat for Israeli Zionism and its chief backers, US … [Read more…]

Victory of Fatherland Liberation War Celebrated

This year marks the 53rd anniversary of the victory of the progressive forces of the Korean people in their Fatherland Liberation War to liberate their country against US-led aggression. The Preparatory Committee to Celebrate the Victory in the Fatherland Liberation War held a Celebratory Meeting in London to mark the end of the war. A … [Read more…]

80th Anniversary of the British General Strike of 1926

After the defeat of Chartism in the middle of the 19th century, the General Strike of 1926 was the most momentous event in the history of the British working class with treimendous revolutionary potential. However it was defeated by the combined forces of the British state, the TUC and the Labour Party. To mark the … [Read more…]

On 75th martyrdom anniversary of Bhagat Singh: Statement to the Court on the Bombing of the Central Assembly

‘TO MAKE THE DEAF HEAR’ 75 years ago the British Raj judicially murdered Bhagat Singh, RajGuru and Sukhdev in Ferozepur, Punjab. With the hanging of these heroes, the British authorities intended to stamp out their revolutionary ideals. In death, Bhagat Singh has proved to be even more dangerous. By way of commemorating his great and … [Read more…]

Somalia: Islamic courts union victory – a blow to the U.S.

On 5 June, the armed militia of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) routed the last remnants of the US-supported warlords and drove them out of Mogadishu and other southern cities. The warlords, who brought havoc and chaos to the capital of Somalia for years, feeling sufficiently threatened by February this year, formed an alliance. In … [Read more…]