Israel: on the path to destruction

Attempts at undermining Hamas government The election of 25 January in the Palestinian territories brought Hamas into office. This election was judged by the Carter Centre, which monitored all three Palestinian elections, as “honest, fair and peaceful, with the results accepted by winners and losers”. But no sooner had Hamas won them than all the … [Read more…]

Iraq: Intensified resistance greets Maliki puppet government

New government In what the Sunday Times of 21 May referred to as “one of the most significant moments in [Iraq’s] rebirth since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003”, the Iraqi ‘parliament’ finally approved what is being called a government of national unity, with Nouri al-Maliki (yes, another stooge) in the role of prime … [Read more…]

‘Old’ Labour’s betrayal of Grunwick

On the 23 August, 1976, heavy-handed management bullying and racial abuse led to two separate walkouts of six people at a photo-processing plant in Brent called Grunwicks, leading to a strike that has since gone into working class folk history as one of the longest, bitterest strikes in Britain. The six who walked out that … [Read more…]

80th Anniversary British General Strike – 1926

Government Preparations Within 2 months of `Red Friday’, a public announcement of the Government’s first step came in the form of a press statement on 25 September, 1925, that there had already been set up a body called the “Organisation for the Maintenance of Supplies” – subsequently notorious under the initials OMS. “Numerous suggestions have … [Read more…]

Capitalism in Crisis

Those who struggle to advance Marxist-Leninist understanding amongst workers in Britain will be familiar enough with the irritation and incomprehension which is routinely displayed when repeated reference is made to “capitalist crisis” as the origin of the social developments being analysed. The NHS in trouble? It’s because of the capitalist crisis. Pensions are up the … [Read more…]

Remembering Bhagat Singh

Born on 27 September 1907 in the village of Khatkar Kalan of Jalandhar district in Punjab, Bhagat Singh was inspired by his uncle Ajit Singh, who was seriously involved in the struggle for independence from Britain. Most of his student life was spent in Lahore, capital of the undivided Punjab, against a background of increasing … [Read more…]

Nigerian people’s resistance against oil monopolies

A near civil war is raging in the Niger Delta over the region’s oil production. The region’s oil wells do not belong to local people or even to Nigerians but are the exclusive preserve of foreign multinationals who loot the oil wealth through corrupt military and civil local administrations: according to People’s Daily Online of … [Read more…]

The triumphant march of the nepalese revolution

Nepal has been hitting the headlines more and more often in recent months. The rebellion that was started by Maoist guerrillas against the feudal autocracy has grown from its small beginnings in remote countryside areas ten years ago into a mighty and unstoppable movement. As the conflict between the republican and monarchist forces comes to … [Read more…]

Forward to an independent and sovereign Koryo

I want to speak today about a project which was close to the heart of Comrade Kim Il Sung, as indeed it is to those of almost all Korean people, be they from the north or the south or the diaspora, namely the reunification of Korea. Korea is one. Its people speak the same language … [Read more…]

Iran: Imperialism is damned whatever it does

Iran’s nuclear programme is entirely legitimate On 10 April, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that his country had succeeded in enriching uranium and joined the ‘nuclear club’. This was achieved in the teeth of ongoing insistence on the part of western imperialism that Iran abandon its nuclear development programme, notwithstanding the fact that it was … [Read more…]