Israel opens the gates to hell

In the last few weeks fascist Israel has announced its intention of withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, removing the settlements which it had built illegally, and which house some 7,500 Jewish settlers. For all that the Israeli government parades this proposed withdrawal as a massive step towards peace, for which they are to reward themselves … [Read more…]

Hail the national revolt of the Iraqi people!

Sunday 4 April will go down in history as a day when the Iraqi resistance to Anglo-American imperialist occupation became a truly national revolt of the Iraqi people – Shia and Sunni, religious and secular – united in their hatred of the predatory occupying forces and a burning desire to expel them from Iraq. On … [Read more…]

Bourgeois Secularism and the Communal Challenge?

Part Three This is the third instalment of this article, which we began publishing in the last issue of Lalkar. It is a slightly extended version of that which appeared in The Marxist, Volume XIX, No 2 April-June 2003. The question of communalism and religious bigotry is extremely important, for it divides and weakens the … [Read more…]

US imperialism ousts Aristide from Haiti

On the 29th of February 2004, after weeks of civil war waged by his opponents (hailing mostly from privileged sections of Haitian society), Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the elected President of Haiti, was kidnapped by invading US forces and flown out of the country, in order to make way for US imperialism’s latest choice of President. The … [Read more…]

Belated observations on the Euro

We began this article in the March/April issue of Lalkar. In this issue we conclude with the arguments against joining the euro, the prospects of European union and the attitude of the proletariat to it. Arguments against joining the Euro Those who oppose British membership of the single currency do so on the following real … [Read more…]

Bourgeois Secularism and the Communal Challenge

Part Two This is the second instalment of this article, which we began publishing in the last issue of Lalkar. It is a slightly extended version of that which appeared in The Marxist, Volume XIX, No 2 April-June 2003. The question of communalism and religious bigotry is extremely important, for it divides and weakens the … [Read more…]

RESPECT? Are they having a laugh?

Sunday 25 January saw the formal launch, amid much fanfare, of George Galloway and the SWP’s new project, the Respect Unity Coalition, rather unfortunately abbreviated to RUC. RESPECT, we are told, is itself an acronym, which stands for ‘respecting equality, socialism, peace, environmentalism, community and trade unionism’. In the run-up to the launch, the ‘unity … [Read more…]

Victory to the Intifada!

The so-called road map, drafted by the quartet – the US, EU, Russia and the UN – published on 30 April 2003, led to the Aqaba Summit between George W Bush, Ariel Sharon and his Palestinian counter-part Mahmoud Abbas, the then Palestinian prime minister. This Summit endorsed the two-state solution as a means of resolving … [Read more…]

Anti-Monarchy struggle gathers momentum in Nepal

The fake and puppet monarchy raised after the infamous palace massacre of 1 June 2001 in Nepal is now facing a massive countrywide movement for its overthrow and replacement with a republican system of government. The anti-monarchy democratic struggle has entered a new phase with the traditional pro-monarchy parliamentary parties, and particularly their student wings, … [Read more…]