In March this year, just as British and US troops were launching their illegal and barbarous invasion of Iraq, BECTU, the Broadcast, Entertainment, Cinematograph and Theatre Union, passed a resolution at its annual conference calling for a vote on continued affiliation to the Labour Party. This month (November 2003), the union will finally ballot its … [Read more…]

Iraq – imperialist occupation in deep trouble

Occupiers unable to control Iraq Nearly five months after the fall of Baghdad, the ‘liberators’ of the Iraqi people, to wit, the Anglo-American imperialist armies of occupation, are no nearer to getting a grip on the country and are barely able to control its main roads. Iraq today is characterised by non-functioning public utilities, lawlessness, … [Read more…]

Opposing Foundation Hospitals

What are foundation hospitals? If the Labour Party and their Government are to be believed the reform programme which includes foundation hospitals “…is every bit as radical and progressive as that which created the NHS over fifty years ago. It draws on the traditions of social and community ownership that inspired the founders of the … [Read more…]

Education – Labour government in the service of imperialism

In the manifesto for the 1997 General Election, which brought it to office, the Labour Party promised to improve education in Britain as a matter of urgent priority. “Education, education, education”, was Tony Blair’s most repeated slogan during the 1997 election campaign. Yet, during the 6 years Labour has been in government, standards in comprehensives … [Read more…]

David Kelly: the bourgeoisie devours one of its own

The facts surrounding the alleged suicide on 18 July 2003 of Dr David Kelly, MoD biological expert, Iraq weapons inspector spy, wholesale supporter of the invasion of Iraq, and all-out flunkey of British imperialism, cannot but be well known since this issue has dominated all the information media for over two months. To summarise them … [Read more…]

Joint Communique of FARC-EP and ELN

The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -People’s Army, FARC-EP, and the National Liberation Army of Colombia, ELN, inform the Colombian and Latin American people that: We, the leadership of both organizations, met recently in the mountains of Colombia in an atmosphere of camaraderie, fraternity and mutual respect, fully agreeing in: a. .Characterizing the current regime … [Read more…]

Imperialist propaganda and censorship

I love Country Music. I remember when I was growing up and popular music was still singing about the moon in June, Country was addressing topics such as contraception, racism, poverty and the Dust Bowl tragedy in the American mid-west. Of course Country music also produced songs about family dogs being run over by trains … [Read more…]

The land question in Zimbabwe

Land seizures, the background In recent months, more than 23 years after gaining independence and majority rule, the government of Zimbabwe finally expropriated the remaining approximately 4,000 surplus[1] commercial farms owned by white people – the whites having had up until now a virtual monopoly over commercial farming in Zimbabwe. According to Stephen Chan[2], “In … [Read more…]

50 years after the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Djugashvili Stalin

As a mark of admiration for the colossal achievements of the Soviet proletariat under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, this is the third in a series of articles highlighting the epoch-making victories of the Soviet Union during the 3 decades of Stalin’s leadership of the CPSU(B). At commemoration organised by the Institute for Marxist Studies (IMAST), … [Read more…]