Iraqi people shall emerge victorious!

When the Anglo-American imperialist bandits launched their war of aggression against Iraq on 20 March, they had deluded themselves into believing that their invading armies would be greeted as liberators by the Iraqi people and that the invasion would coincide with the uprisings of Iraqi people against the regime of Saddam Hussein’s Ba’ath Party, and … [Read more…]

Patrick Finucane: Murdered by British imperialism

Fourteen years ago Patrick Finucane was murdered by British imperialism. On Sunday 12 February 1989 he was shot fourteen times in front of his wife and three children by two masked gunmen who burst into his home in the early evening. They escaped in a car driven by an accomplice. The next day the Ulster … [Read more…]

Economic crisis and Imperialism’s War frenzy

Those trying to understand how the overproduction crisis of imperialism connects up with the current Anglo-American war frenzy would do well to hearken to the doom-laden Jeremiad from Martin Wolf in the Financial Times (‘The markets are too eager to discount the cost of war’, 26-03-03). Noting how the initial stock market euphoria which greeted … [Read more…]

Venezuela: masses triumph over another counter-revolutionary coup

On 2 February this year, the popular government in Venezuela emerged triumphant from yet another attempt by the united forces of domestic and international capital to bring it down. Having surprised the coup-makers by their readiness to defend the ‘Bolivarian Revolution’ by force, the people of Venezuela have, since the defeat of the US-backed coup … [Read more…]

Memory of Stalin

A chemistry professor and member of the Russian Academy of Science. He married Stalin’s daughter, Svetlana, in spring 1949 when she was 23, and he 29. They divorced five years after Stalin’s death. It is true that Stalin was a modest person. Everyone knows that after his death he did not leave any property, only … [Read more…]

Victory on the Volga

The anniversary of Stalingrad has inspired major celebrations in Russia, but a strange silence here Sixty years ago the greatest battle of the second world war reached its climax. The site of that decisive battle was not the windswept sands of north Africa beloved of British war mythology, nor the broad expanses of the Pacific … [Read more…]

Memory of Stalin

Mr Varennikov comes from a poor Cossack family in the Krasnodar region near the Black sea, and was among an early generation of working-class people to receive a good education under Stalin, rising to a senior rank in the army. The day of Stalin’s death was very hard, a real shock. A part of my … [Read more…]

We honour him with a pledge – Fight harder, save peace!

“Stalin – The man who really believed in the working class and evoked from it all that creative genius and energy which has astounded the world for over 30 years and will do more so in the future.” Today, countless millions of people in every country in the world are plunged into the deepest grief … [Read more…]

50th anniversary of the death of Comrade Stalin

Fifty years ago, on March 5 1953, Joseph Stalin, the architect of socialism and the inspirer of the victory against the mighty Nazi war machine, breathed his last. Just as during his life, so in his death, he continued to be hated as no-one else by the ideologues of the imperialist bourgeoisie and its agents … [Read more…]