The “Morality” of the Warmongers — a personal view.

UN inspectors refuse to endorse Washington’s wild allegations against Baghdad. The French threaten to veto any new resolution giving UN approval for aggression. Two million demonstrate in London alone, joining countless more millions around the world. So what does our panic-stricken PM do? Stakes everything on the pretence that war is “morally” justified by the … [Read more…]


On November 5th 1990, the U.S. House and Senate passed Foreign Operations Appropriation Law 101-513 calling for the cut-off of aid and credits to Yugoslavia, knowing full well the destabilising effect that this would have, since conducting trade without credits is virtually impossible in the modern world. At this time there was no civil war, … [Read more…]

Death to Anglo-American imperialist war against Iraq!

As we go to press, US and British imperialism are poised to unleash a murderous, predatory and imperialist war of aggression against Iraq on the pretext of Iraq’s alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but actually to monopolise the oil resources of Iraq and other countries in the Middle East, which account for … [Read more…]

Letter to the Independent – unpublished

Dear Sir We read with rapt attention the highly stimulating, well-researched and scholarly piece, stuffed full with a wealth of detail of an unprecedentedly original type, by a certain Mr Johann Hari in the Independent of 5 March (‘Stalin died 50 years ago, but his legacy lives on’). On a more serious note, we had … [Read more…]

Scottish train drivers show the way

Train drivers yesterday [8 January 2003] refused to move a freight train carrying ammunition believed to be destined for British forces being deployed in the Gulf. Railway managers cancelled the Ministry of Defence service after the crewmen, described as “conscientious objectors” by a supporter, said they opposed Tony Blair’s threat to attack Iraq. The anti-war … [Read more…]

Crisis of Capitalism and the Pensions Scandal

In the area of pensions we are hearing a great deal these days about attempts of the capitalist class in effect to lower wages by reducing or eliminating what they contribute to their workers’ retirement pensions. The general crisis of capitalism is causing capitalists to cut wages – but slyly they are not for the … [Read more…]

NCP ties itself in knots

It is difficult not to comment on an item which appeared in the 22 November 2002 issue of the New Worker, organ of the New Communist Party (NCP), which claims to be a Marxist-Leninist Party and an adherent of the dictatorship of the proletariat. But somehow it manages to square all this with its support … [Read more…]

Yet another Israeli election

On 30th October, the Israeli “national unity” coalition collapsed, paving the way for yet another general election, which is to take place on 28 January. On 6 February 2001, Sharon was elected prime minister by a landslide majority of 62.6% over 37.2% for Labour’s Ehud Barak on a platform of peace and security. Nearly two … [Read more…]

Rise up Against Imperialist War on Iraq!

Resolution 1441 Since we last wrote about Iraq (see Lalkar Nov/Dec 2002), there have taken place some developments which are worth commenting upon. On 8 November, the UN Security Council (SC) unanimously passed Resolution 1441, which provides for a tough new inspections regime backed by the threat of force. Under the terms of this resolution, … [Read more…]