Palestine: Resistance continues to defy Israeli repression

Defying all Israeli repression, the Palestinian liberation fighters continue their heroic fight against the Zionist occupation regime. On 16 July, Palestinian fighters, disguised as Israeli soldiers, killed 7 Israelis and wounded 20 others when they smashed a bus at the West Bank settlement of Emmanuel. This, the first fatal attack on Israelis in about a … [Read more…]

‘Questions to Lalkar’

In response to an article by Giles Shorter on ‘The threat of War between India and Pakistan’ in the July/August issue, Comrade Taimur of the MKP (Workers and Peasants Party of Pakistan) sent us his criticisms of it. We are pleased to publish Comrade Taimur’s observations in this issue and would hope to reply to … [Read more…]

Economic Crisis of Imperialism on a World Scale

“Commerce is at a standstill, the markets are glutted, products accumulate, as multitudinous as they are unsaleable, hard cash disappears, credit vanishes, factories are closed, the mass of the workers are in want of the means of subsistence because they have produced too much of the means of subsistence, bankruptcy follows upon bankruptcy, execution upon … [Read more…]

Western media’s coverage of Congo invasion: in the footsteps of western interests?

In 1997, Laurent Désiré Kabila, a long time Congolese guerilla fighter against Mobutu’s dictatorial and kleptocratic regime, took advantage of the geopolitical change in the region, when Congo’s neighbours in the east and Angola decided to do away with Mobutu who was harbouring rebel groups against them. It was the end of the Cold War … [Read more…]

Economic Crises and Possibility of a Major World Crisis

I would like, first of all, to express my sincere gratitude to the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Belgium for inviting us to this seminar and to convey our friendly greetings to all comrade delegates attending the seminar. The mankind that has just entered the 21st century is faced with a new challenge, … [Read more…]

WorldCom – symptom of a sick system

Following close behind the Enron scandal, we now have the bankruptcy of another major US corporation, Worldcom, which has triggered huge stock exchange falls, not only in the US but also on all other major western exchanges, including the UK’s. We learn from this latest collapse that yet again tricky accounting inflated the company’s profits; … [Read more…]

PALESTINE: Smash Operation ‘Determined Path’

No sooner had Israel finished its operation ‘Defensive Shield’ in April, wreaking massive destruction on Palestinian towns and a veritable holocaust in Jenin, declaring that it had destroyed the infrastructure of terror (i.e., Palestinian resistance to occupation), than the liberation forces struck back. Hot on the heels of the most extensive Israeli offensive against the … [Read more…]

On the Israeli Occupation

Picture this: Picture a group of people from various parts of the world, with absolutely nothing in common with each other than their religious beliefs (not a ‘nation’ by any stretch of the imagination), demanding that you give over your country to them. Picture a situation where, having been given 56% of your people’s land … [Read more…]

People’s war marches on in Nepal

Until recently, very few people in the West have been aware that for the last six years, Maoist guerrillas in Nepal have been waging a revolutionary struggle against a reactionary feudal regime. In a country where the mass of the people are impoverished by feudal relations combined with imperialist exploitation, the Maoists have won over … [Read more…]