Enron: Friends in High Places

Enron and its employees were the largest contributors to president Bush’s campaigns over the years, and Enron gave more money to politicians in the last election cycle than did any other energy company. Since 1993, its employees and its chairman, Kenneth L. Lay, have donated nearly 2 million dollars to Mr.Bush. In the 2000 election … [Read more…]

Colombia’s Revolution will not be Defeated

The Washington spin doctor responsible for giving names to US-led or -inspired military attacks has got some explaining to do. For example, what justification can there be for passing over such an obvious title as ‘War on Anyone in the Way of our Oil Profits’, opting instead for the inane and misleading ‘War on Terror’? … [Read more…]

Tribute to Frank Cave by Arthur Scargill

The President of the Socialist Labour Party, Frank Cave, who was also Vice President of the NUM, died on 7 January 2002. Lalkar extends its condolences to his family, to the NUM and to the SLP. Frank was truly a passionate working class activist whose high level of commitment to the movement is matched by … [Read more…]

Afghanistan – the continuation of the two-decade long war of imperialist terrorism

U.S. imperialism began its present predatory war against the people of Afghanistan on 7th October 2001. Begun in the name of waging a “war against terrorism”, it is actually the continuation of the terrorist war that U.S. imperialism has been waging against Afghanistan since the spring of 1979. In this war, 2.5 million Afghans, representing … [Read more…]

Oppose this imperialist, predatory war!

On the evening of 7 October, US imperialism, with the full support and participation of British imperialism, unleashed a brutal war of aggression against the Afghan people, already suffering the devastating effects of a proxy war waged by the very powers who are today raining death and destruction on Afghanistan on the pretext of the … [Read more…]

Terrorism – a definition

The word ‘terrorism’ is much used in our daily lives through the media of television, newspapers, the internet or conversation and yet in takes on different meaning depending on who is using the word and what it is in relation to. The definition in the Oxford Reference Dictionary is “the systematic use of violence and … [Read more…]

The Significance of the September 11th Events

“Every crisis”, observed Lenin, “casts off the conventional, tears away outer wrappings, sweeps away the obsolete and reveals the underlying springs and forces.” In making this observation, Lenin had in mind the epoch of crisis for the nations of western Europe, and for the entire imperialist system, caused by the first world war. His observation … [Read more…]

The British Left and The War Against Imperialism

Every day throughout the world an estimated 55,000 people are killed by malnutrition. Many more are killed by diseases that are easily preventable. Behind these deaths lie the many agreements forced upon the oppressed nations by bankers, politicians and generals from across the imperialist world. As the crisis of the world economy has deepened it … [Read more…]