Iran and the Western manufactured Hijab protests

The Western media are harping on relentlessly about great anti-hijab protests happening all over Iran, with ever more violent repression being meted out to those protesting by a ‘vicious and violent regime’. The nail that they are trying to hang this deceitful web of lies on is the story of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Kurdish … [Read more…]

Yemen’s quest for self-determination continues unabated

Despite conditions of siege and war, Yemen’s people are finding ways to lay the foundations of a diversified and more self-sufficient economy. After almost eight years of continuous imperialist siege, the Yemeni revolution begun in 2014 is still advancing. Following the popular revolution which overthrew the US-Saudi stooge regime that had dominated Yemen for decades, … [Read more…]

Nicaraguan minister delivers powerful message: the Sandinista revolution lives!

Comrade Valdrack Jaentschke assures a packed British meeting: ‘The FSLN will continue to defend the victorious banner of revolution!’ At this year’s October Revolution celebration organised by the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist), comrade and guest speaker Valdrack Jaentschke, Nicaragua’s Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, delivered a wonderful speech with revolutionary optimism and fervour. We … [Read more…]

What is happening in Kosovo?

We reproduce below with thanks an article published by the Anti-Imperialist Front regarding the serious unrest that has in the last few weeks erupted in Kosovo between ethnic Serbians in the north and the Kosovan authorities.  NATO forcibly wrested the Kosovo province away from Serbia in 2008 on the excuse that the majority of its … [Read more…]

Can Lula get Brazil back on track?

Much has changed since Lula’s first presidency. While the economic situation is far more difficult, international shifts could work in the country’s favour. In another victory for the ‘pink tide’ of leftist election victories once more sweeping Latin America, Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva has been re-elected as President in Brazil, ousting the extreme-right incumbent … [Read more…]

What a COP-Out!

The 27th world conference on climate change took place in Sharm-al-Sheikh in Egypt from 6-20 November 2022.  The urgency of action on climate change was set out in his introductory remarks by Antonio Gutteres, Secretary General of the United Nations, who made the following points: • “These climate conferences remind us that the answer is … [Read more…]

Microchips and monopoly – a new front in the global struggle

As a key driver of manufacturing and technological progress, bourgeois economists are paying increasing attention to the development and manufacture of the new generations of semiconductor microprocessors, and they are not alone. The legislators and ruling class of the chief imperialist powers, in particular the USA and Britain, ever keen to stifle the rise of … [Read more…]