05: 50th Anniversary of the start of the Korean War

 Certain ‘Korea experts’ who claim to be friends of Korea have asserted that the newly-opened Soviet archives provide evidence that North Korea did start the Korean war, against the advice given by Stalin and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. What this archival material is, where it is to be found, etc., has never … [Read more…]

Historic Meeting in Pyongyang

 Every cloud has a silver lining goes the saying. The cloud of the 1997 economic meltdown in South Korea appears to have convinced many south Koreans, who previously did well out of south Korea’s subservience to US imperialism, that there is a pressing need to break free from the clutches of foreign finance capital and … [Read more…]

LALKAR home page

LALKARhome pageLALKARis the bi-monthly anti-imperialist newspaper of communists of Indian origin in the UK and contains news and analysis of current events and labour history from the perspective of the proletariat and its struggle for social emancipation, as well as from the perspective of the oppressed people and their struggle against imperialism and for national … [Read more…]

Hillingdon Hospital – so near and yet so far

 Hillingdon hospital workers have set a shining example to the working class everywhere of stubborn perseverance in a fight to save jobs. It is nearly five years since they set up their picket line after being sacked for refusing to take a pay cut. They have refused every attempt to fob them off with anything … [Read more…]

Elian home at last

 What a joy and a relief it was to all people of principle and compassion to see Elian back at home in Cuba at last. Ship-wrecked, his mother drowned and cast away amidst the savages of the US Cuban expatriate community – people who have abandoned the country of their birth in order to pursue … [Read more…]

The local government elections of May 4 –

May 4 witnessed local government elections in several parts of the country, including London. Although the Greater London Authority (GLA) and Mayoral election in the metropolis attracted the most media attention, for reasons which are by now obvious to everyone, the local government elections in their entirety – London included – need to be analysed … [Read more…]


Lately Zimbabwe has been much in the news. The bourgeois media and the British government have portrayed a picture of lawless black mobs, egged on by the Zimbabwean government, attacking the farms of poor, innocent, law-abiding white farmers. The truth is that a hundred years ago, Cecil Rhodes’ colonialist marauders stole, at gun point, the … [Read more…]

Once more on Yugoslavia – Once more on NATO’s lies

–Once more on NATO’s lies“For globalisation to work, America can’t be afraid to act like the almighty super power that it is. The hidden hand of the market will never work without a hidden fist. McDonald’s cannot flourish without McDonald-Douglas, the designer of the F-15, and the hidden fist that keeps the world safe for … [Read more…]

The World Trade Organisation – Part I

The World Trade Organisation – an imperialist carve-up threatening to disintegrate – Part IThe World Trade Organisation was set up at the conclusion of the Uruguay Round, on 15 December 1993, by a world trade treaty aimed at opening international markets, signed by the 115 countries, who had been struggling since 1986 to reach consensus … [Read more…]

Socialist Labour Party

As part of a series of meetings organised by the London Region of the Socialist Labour Party in the run-up to the London local elections on 4 May, Cde Arthur Scargill, the General Secretary of that Party, addressed one such meeting at the Shalom Centre in Newham, East London on 25 April.During his speech, Cde … [Read more…]