The liberation of Ukraine from Nazism in 1944

The 28th of October is the anniversary of Ukraine’s liberation from the Nazi occupation.  Nowadays this date is more relevant than ever.  We will tell you how Ukrainians fared under the Nazi regime – that today, it would seem, many have forgotten. As from the autumn of 1941, most of the territory of the Ukrainian … [Read more…]

Ethiopian peace talks begin as rebel TPLF suffers military setbacks

Negotiations between the federal government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) began in South Africa on October 25, as the latter’s military defeat appears imminent. The civil war in Ethiopia started after the TPLF attacked a federal army base in November 2020. October 26, 2022 by Pavan Kulkarni, reproduced from  People’s Dispatch, with thanks … [Read more…]

What is to be done

What is to be done? – presentation by Ella Rule of Lenin’s pamphlet to a CPGB-ML study school on 27 October 2022 The main thrust of Lenin’s pamphlet What is to be Done? is to define in broad terms how revolutionaries should do their work if they want to succeed in mobilising the masses of … [Read more…]

Brazil: Lula is back!

There was much rejoicing in the streets of cities, towns and villages all over Brazil on Sunday 31 October 2022 when it was announced that Brazil’s right-wing populist President, Jair Bolsonaro, had been defeated in the country’s presidential election by his popular leftist opponent Luis Inacio da Silva, universally known as Lula. Lula’s popularity is … [Read more…]

Support for America’s proxy war in Ukraine drains as the true cost of NATO’s adventure dawns on the world

As Russia continues its special military operation to demilitarise Ukraine and rid it of the Banderite Nazi forces stirred up by imperialism, the world is starting to wake up to the folly of having ever given free rein to America’s proxy war against Russia. Militarily the outcome of the immediate conflict is in no doubt. … [Read more…]

Cost of living crisis – the fightback is under way

The truly unquenchable greed of our imperialist rulers has reawakened the anger and will to resist among the working class in Britain. The refreshed, and refreshing, willingness of many groups of workers to take strike action, from bus drivers and railway staff to Amazon workers, postal staff and even criminal barristers seems to have shocked … [Read more…]

Support the postal workers!

Royal Mail postal workers, already on strike on 26 and 31 August in a dispute over pay, have now also voted overwhelmingly for further industrial action over working conditions. The Communication Workers Union (CWU) reported that almost 99% of its members voted in favour of taking further strike action on a 72% turnout. Clearly the … [Read more…]

Amazon workers against Victorian working conditions

The global internet sales and home entertainment giant, Amazon, has seen the British section of its massive 1.5 million worldwide workforce take unexpected steps into militant resistance as a result of a derisory pay offer. Amazon does not recognise any trade unions in Britain for the purposes of pay and conditions bargaining although some of … [Read more…]

Manifesto for the present crisis: Class against class

Following the pandemic, the whole world is finding itself in a situation of economic chaos.  Living standards of working people are falling precipitously almost everywhere in the world.  Countries such as Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Ghana are already bankrupt and unable to purchase essentials needed by their populations – medicine, food and energy especially. … [Read more…]