Dutch farmers’ militant struggle

In Holland farmers have for months been blocking roads, dumping manure in front of the homes of politicians, and setting haystacks alight, as well as mobilising massive convoys of tractors and other farm vehicles to disrupt the movement of traffic. Their protest is fuelled by the fact that measures being taken by the Dutch government … [Read more…]

Farewell to Eric Levy

Eric Levy, a veteran of the anti-imperialist movement, died on 20 July 2022 at the age of 94.  Some of us had known him since the 1960s. Born in 1928 in Manchester, spending his childhood in Egypt, he was an active participant in the working-class movement in America, before moving to London in 1958, where … [Read more…]

The International Anti-Fascist Congress

On the 20 August 2022, in Patriot Park, Kubinka near Moscow, the inaugural gathering of the International Anti-Fascist Congress (IAFC) was opened.  Organised by the Russian Ministry of Defence (MOD) with the stated aim of uniting “the efforts of the international community to combat the ideology of Nazism in all its manifestations,” the Congress began … [Read more…]

Is Russia imperialist?

Since Russia began its Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine, not only Trotskyite and revisionist outfits, but also quite a few communist parties have denounced Russia. Further, they have asserted that the conflict in Ukraine is an inter-imperialist war in the outcome of which the proletariat has no interest; that Russia is not defending its … [Read more…]

How British Imperialism Crushed the Greek Revolution – Part 2

(By Nina Kosta and George Korkovelos) The British in Greece English historian Elizabeth Barker writes that during WW2, the British government “continued to behave as if Greece was its fiefdom“. The only military aid that Britain gave to Greece was Italian loot from North Africa, while at the same time undermining efforts to buy modern … [Read more…]

A brief history of the Comintern – the Third International of the working class

The history of the Comintern is the history of the first worldwide wave of working-class revolution. Let its lessons inform our quest to build the next wave. A recent video on Proletarian TV showed a wide-ranging discussion on the historical backdrop to the Communist (Third) International (aka the Comintern), its development and its eventual dissolution, … [Read more…]

Resolutely condemn US and South Korean provocative war exercises

US imperialism and its minion, the South Korean regime, began large scale joint military exercises on 22 August 2022 – the first in four years.  These exercises, held along the border with the DPRK, included joint aircraft carrier strike drills and amphibious landing training, making them the largest-scale drills undertaken since 2018 at which time … [Read more…]

Victory to the striking rail workers! Defend the right to strike!

The 40,000+ striking rail workers are setting an admirable example to the rest of the labour movement. To have successfully balloted workers from across thirteen different train operating companies as well as from Network Rail itself, securing an 89 percent Yes vote on a 71 percent turnout, is an inspiring achievement. By privatising the rail … [Read more…]