Red scare and yellow peril: challenging the New McCarthyism

By Carlos Martinez Freedom of speech is one of the key trademarks of capitalist democracy. For decades, people living in the West have been brought up with the idea that they live under an objectively superior political system. This assumed superiority derives from a high degree of individual freedom, in particular the freedom to criticise … [Read more…]

Obituary – Paul Turek

On the morning of 20th November 2020, our dear comrade, Paul Turek ,of the Wakefield branch CPGB-ML finally succumbed to the widespread cancer that he has been fighting for some time. Paul had been an active member of the Yorkshire District of the SLP and, although not expelled along with the comrades who went on … [Read more…]

Communist George Blake dies in Moscow aged 98

George Blake is widely known as the spy who escaped from Wormwood Scrubs, a Soviet double-agent, a cold war warrior who went on to live out his years in peace near Moscow. George Blake, who until the end of his days was revered in the Russian intelligence services, was ideologically committed to communism, convinced of … [Read more…]

On the anniversary of the imperialists’ murder of General Qasem Soleimani: Long may his example shine a light to the Arab masses

CPGB-ML party statement Our party, which upholds the right of nations to follow their own paths of development without interference from parasitic, imperialist powers, has long recognised and supported the positive role that the Islamic Republic of Iran has played in the struggle of oppressed nations against imperial domination, particularly in the context of the … [Read more…]

Jeremy Corbyn suspended from the Labour Party

On 29 October 2020, Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of the Labour Party from September 2015 to April 2020, was suspended from membership of the Labour Party and had the whip withdrawn from him. This followed in response to the publication of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission’s October 2020 Report into the Labour Party’s handling … [Read more…]

The US election

This issue of LALKAR is unusually late for the sole reason that we wanted to report on the US Presidential that took place on 3 November but whose result was delayed because of the time taken in processing the large volume of mailed-in votes in the crucial swing states. At the time of writing this … [Read more…]

War in Nagorno-Karabakh

A violent and potentially devastating conflict has broken out in Azerbaijan. The artillery and shelling which has rocked the area of Nagorno-Karabakh, a former autonomous oblast inside the old Azerbaijani Soviet Republic, has brought Turkey, guns blazing, into the territory of the former Soviet Union, with President Erdogan proclaiming that Turkey and Azerbaijan constitute “one … [Read more…]

Julian Assange extradition trial – shameful martyrisation continues

Julian Assange’s trial has brought to life Franz Kafka’s famous dystopian novel The Trial. To quote the opening sentence: “Someone must have been telling lies about Joseph K, for without having done anything wrong he was arrested one fine morning.” The following information is to a large extent a presentation in abbreviated form of information … [Read more…]

Southern Cross mark 2: Vulture capitalists still getting fat on the care home racket

Back in the summer of 2011, the country’s biggest care home provider, Southern Cross, collapsed in a welter of debt. This outfit, entrusted with the provision of care to 31,000 elderly and vulnerable people, instead concentrated single-pointedly on the pursuit of speculative profits. An article published in LALKAR at the time explained how the provision … [Read more…]