Colonel Africa – by Ilona Yegiazarova

The following article is taken largely verbatim from an article written by Ilona Yegiazarova in the Moskovskaya Pravda of 18 September 2020.  Some material irrelevant for the present purposes has been omitted and a few additional facts have been added.  It recounts the life of a Spanish-born KGB Intelligence Officer, Africa de las Heras, whose … [Read more…]

Julian Assange appeal – British justice on trial

Free Julian Assange (leaflet issued by the Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) at the 20-21 February demonstration outside the Royal Courts of Justice demanding the freedom of Julian Assange). The chilling persecution of honest journalism has only served to highlight the unfreedom of bourgeois society and the lies and complicity of imperialist corporate media. … [Read more…]

Obituary – John Pilger – 1939-2023

Born in 1939, the veteran journalist John Pilger died on 30 December 2023 aged 84.  He was one of the most courageous, fearless and decent journalists, devoting his life in the service of speaking the truth and bringing into daylight what the coterie of hired servants of imperialism in the press and TV studios tried … [Read more…]

Cuban health workers vow to face down the genocidal US blockade

Solidarity aims must move on from the charitable aid mentality and work for the destruction of the imperialist system. Much is presented in Western corporate media regarding the parlous state of Cuba – its economy, food shortages, the flow of skilled, especially young workers overseas, shortages of every conceivable commodity – fuel, cement, medicines, educational … [Read more…]

Nicaragua, climate crisis and capitalism

In a recent webinar addressed by Ambassador Valdrack Jaentschke, who led the Nicaragua government delegation to the 2023 United Nations climate change conference in Dubai, more commonly known as Cop28, the ambassador explained how Nicaragua is combating climate change, both at home through its renewable energy and other programmes, and in the international arena through … [Read more…]

BOOK REVIEW: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 2

The Gulag Propaganda in the imperialist organs of mass communication portrays the Soviet Union as a gigantic prison camp – the gulag – where the inmates are tortured, subjected to humiliating and dehumanising treatment. Losurdo demolishes these lying assertions, first, by reference to the treatment of prisoners in Soviet prisons; second, by referencing the complete … [Read more…]

Water Transport Workers Federation of India takes stand against Israeli genocide TO WHOMSOEVER IT MAY CONCERN The Water Transport Workers Federation of India representing more than 3500 workers at the 11 Major Ports in the Country has decided to refuse to load or unload weaponized cargoes from Israel or any other country which could handle military equipments and its allied cargo for war in Palestine. … [Read more…]

The Zionist war against Palestinians – 22,000 murdered and 52,000 wounded

Israel has been waging a barbaric genocidal war against the people of Palestine, aimed at ethnically cleansing the Gaza Strip of its entire population. At the time of writing (27 December 2023), nearly 22,000 Palestinians have been slaughtered, and another 52,000 wounded in the Zionists’ indiscriminate non-stop bombing of Gaza’s civilian population. Of those killed, … [Read more…]

Ukraine: defeat in war reveals the cracks

The imperialist proxy war against Russia is now dead in the water, with the much-lauded Ukrainian ‘offensive’ stuck in the mud and all the previous claims of imminent victory ringing hollow. Attempts to soften the blow of defeat by rebranding it as a ‘stalemate’ fool nobody: there is neither an equality of rival forces nor … [Read more…]