Israeli far right’s plans for expulsion and expansion

Reproduced from Le Monde Diplomatique of December 2023, with thanks “There needs to be a path to a Palestinian state,” says Joe Biden, but it’s far from clear what that path looks like. Meanwhile, Israel’s right see an opportunity in the tragedy. by Gilbert Achcar  It’s often said that wars are easier to start than … [Read more…]

Murder by a thousand cuts

As the NHS is gradually dismembered in the interests of privatisation, the rate of avoidable deaths is soaring. The Office for National Statistics has highlighted the fact that in the UK some extra 55,000 people a year are dying prematurely of preventable diseases, i.e., more than 1,000 every week. The effect is most dramatic among … [Read more…]

The murderous legacy of Henry Kissinger

Reproduced from Middle East Eye, with thanks Kissinger’s amoral, genocidal crimes revealed him to be a faithful representative of the US elites whom he served all his life Nothing notable distinguished the birth of Heinz Alfred Kissinger on 27 May 1923 to a German Jewish family in Furth, a city in Bavaria, who died on … [Read more…]

Victory of Javier Milei reveals the failure of Argentina’s popular forces

How could a candidate with such an overtly anti-worker programme be elected by workers in dire economic straits? In the recent election in Argentina (19 November 2023), Javier Milei, a fascist in politics and ultraliberal in economics became president of the country. Milei, who was the candidate of the far-right ‘Libertad Avanza’ coalition, won the … [Read more…]

Athens declaration: The world is entering a new era of anti-imperialist struggle

The following declaration was agreed by parties that attended the fifth international conference of the World Anti-imperialist Platform, held in Athens on 18 November 2023. ***** Understanding: That we are emerging from the period of deep reaction that followed the capitalist restoration in the Soviet Union and east European socialist bloc, when the strength of … [Read more…]

Obituary: Benjamin Zephaniah – lifelong champion of the oppressed

One of Britain’s most important and impactful cultural workers breathed his last breath on 7 December 2023, having been diagnosed with a brain tumour eight weeks previously. Benjamin Zephaniah was widely known as a poet, author and actor, but also as a tireless and courageous campaigner for justice. He never hesitated to speak his mind; … [Read more…]

Why re-imagine Soviet Georgia?

By Sopiko Japaridze Reproduced from Monthly Review, with thanks (posted Dec 15, 2023) “If you’re not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing.”—Malcolm X A couple of years ago, I was hanging out with friends and decided to play a … [Read more…]

Book review: Thoughts on Stalin – the history and critique of a black legend by Domenico Losurdo – Part 1

Originally published in Italian in 2008, Iskra press has just released the first authorised translation into English edition, translated by Henry Hakamäkr and Salavatore Engel-Di Manso. The present review is based on a version that was re-translated from the Portuguese version. This book is a refreshing change from the countless books on the subject of … [Read more…]

JVP: We shut down 8 bridges in 8 cities on the 8th night of Hanukkah

Last Thursday [15 December], on the eighth night of Hanukkah, Jewish Voice for Peace members shut down eight bridges and highways in eight cities across the US to demand an end to the genocide of Palestinians. Thousands of Jews and allies protested in Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, and San … [Read more…]

Victory to the resistance! No co-operation with Zionist war crimes

Death of the Zionist Utopia Early in the morning of Saturday 7 October, the Palestinian resistance in Gaza launched its most daring attack thus far against the Israeli occupation.  In this coordinated attack from the sea, air and land, hundreds of Palestinian fighters broke through the high-tech fence that the Zionist state had constructed to … [Read more…]