Labour’s “bloody nose” in Brent East

On 18 September the residents of the Brent East constituency in North London participated in the unthinkable – their actions not only lost Labour its 13,000 majority and with one of its safest parliamentary seats (only 57 seats were safer), but also recorded a blistering criticism of the present Labour Government. Labour had not lost … [Read more…]

Congratulations to the Chinese people

On 15 October, amid outpouring of legitimate national pride, China became only the third country to launch a man into space and return him safely to Earth. Shenzhuo V (Divine Vessel V) took off from the Jiuquan satellite launch-pad in the Gobi desert, spent 21 hours in space, orbited the Earth 14 times and left … [Read more…]

Victim of Labour’s gallows: will George break with social democracy?

With his expulsion from the Labour Party, Galloway has been handed a golden opportunity to finally break with the contemptible force in British politics that is social democracy. He now must choose between continuing along the dead-end road of reformism and opportunism or taking the revolutionary path. On 23 October 2003 a Labour Party tribunal … [Read more…]

Iraq – Imperialism in the quick sands

What a difference a single year can make in international politics! A year ago, as US imperialism arrogantly marched towards war with Iraq, its leading political representatives asserted that it could all be done on the cheap – in terms of both financial and human costs. Anyone raising even a mild objection to these assertions … [Read more…]

BODY PARTS IN BIN BAGS, AND HOORAY FOR CAPITALISMThe increased trafficking of women and children into sexual slavery resulting from imperialism’s wars.

Tens of thousands of women are trafficked every year into the sexual slavery of prostitution. Deception, intimidation, and body parts in bin bags, forms the terrorising reality for those whose lives have been stolen and traded as a sexual commodity in the twenty first century slave trade. A former head of the Vice Unit in … [Read more…]

WTO begins to crack up

We are happy to report that the WTO Ministerial Talks held from 10-14 September 2003 in Cancun, Mexico, collapsed in disarray – as indeed it had been widely predicted they would. The context of these talks is the attempts by imperialist finance capital to ‘globalise’ investment, competition policy, government procurement and ‘trade facilitation’ (the so-called … [Read more…]

David Kelly: the bourgeoisie devours one of its own

The facts surrounding the alleged suicide on 18 July 2003 of Dr David Kelly, MoD biological expert, Iraq weapons inspector spy, wholesale supporter of the invasion of Iraq, and all-out flunkey of British imperialism, cannot but be well known since this issue has dominated all the information media for over two months. To summarise them … [Read more…]

Education – Labour government in the service of imperialism

In the manifesto for the 1997 General Election, which brought it to office, the Labour Party promised to improve education in Britain as a matter of urgent priority. “Education, education, education”, was Tony Blair’s most repeated slogan during the 1997 election campaign. Yet, during the 6 years Labour has been in government, standards in comprehensives … [Read more…]

Opposing Foundation Hospitals

What are foundation hospitals? If the Labour Party and their Government are to be believed the reform programme which includes foundation hospitals “…is every bit as radical and progressive as that which created the NHS over fifty years ago. It draws on the traditions of social and community ownership that inspired the founders of the … [Read more…]

Iraq – imperialist occupation in deep trouble

Occupiers unable to control Iraq Nearly five months after the fall of Baghdad, the ‘liberators’ of the Iraqi people, to wit, the Anglo-American imperialist armies of occupation, are no nearer to getting a grip on the country and are barely able to control its main roads. Iraq today is characterised by non-functioning public utilities, lawlessness, … [Read more…]