Tibet before the Chinese Revolution

Before the Chinese revolution Tibet was a feudal medieval relic. Even by the standards of pre-revolutionary China, Tibet was backward politically, economically and socially.The backwardness was such that even the wheel was not in use in Tibet. There was no plumbing, even in the houses of the rich, and in 1957 Alan Winnington noted“the question … [Read more…]

Turkish left resists prison massacre

 David Morgan reports on an appeal from Turkish revolutionaries not to forget the recent massacre of prisoners in Ankara Comrades in Turkey are calling for our support following the massacre and savage repression of detained revolutionaries in Ankara’s Ulucanlar Central Prison at the end of September.Ten inmates were killed outright and many more were brutally attacked … [Read more…]

Tyranny of Asylum laws challenged

 Do you know anyone who claimed asylum but was nevertheless prosecuted for using forged travel documents to enter the country?English courts routinely handed out 6-9 month prison sentences to refugees, even when they could prove they were fleeing torture and human rights abuse, and even when sole carers of small children, if they were caught … [Read more…]

Towards a Balkanized Russia

 Contributed by Jef Bossuyt, Workers Party of Belgium (PTB). On October 7 the Chechen president Maskhadov sent a letter to the new Nato secretary-general George Robertson. The president of the rebellious Russian republic called upon him“to intervene in accordance with the new world order established by Nato”(1).Today 118,000 Chechens are fleeing from a war that started … [Read more…]

Oil, imperialism and Equatorial Guinea

 Equatorial Guinea (EG) is a West African country, a former Spanish colony, about which we in Britain hear practically nothing. It was therefore a great pleasure to meet at the annual Fiesta of the Spanish Communist Party in Madrid (September 1999) representatives from that country’s progressive movement, who supplied us with interesting information about their … [Read more…]

A Reply to FRFI

 The October-November issue ofFRFI, the bi-monthly organ of the Revolutionary Communist Group (RCG) carries a letter on its letter page by one Dean Porter under the titleDéjà vu.In it Mr Porter accuses Harpal Brar, the editor ofLalkar,of“plagiarism”and of having“lifted large chunks”of Trevor Rayne’s article inFRFIno. 145 on Labour’s military strategy and incorporated it into his … [Read more…]

Back to Marxism-Leninism or perish

A comment on the Indian General Election After five short-lived governments and three general elections in as many years, the Indian electorate (350 million of whom, representing 50% of the total eligible, went to the polls) have returned to office the 25-party National Democratic Alliance (NDA), led by the Hindu revivalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), with … [Read more…]

Jubilee 2000 – Great leap or faltering step

 For those who have not heard of Jubilee 2000, it is a high profile campaign to get the rich countries of the world to cancel the debts which the poorest countries owe them. The debts are mostly rocketing interest on old loans which were designed in such a way that they could never be fully … [Read more…]


by Khalid Al Mukhtar “From now on a free and sovereign republic named the Libyan Arab Republic which, by the grace of God, is setting herself to work … she will go forward on the path of freedom, union, social justice, guaranteeing, each of her sons and daughters the right to equality and opening before them … [Read more…]


 Members of the SLP and SLP Youth Section attended the eighth annual International Youth Conference In Jood Dayem, 30 km east of Tripoli in September The conference brought nearly 120 delegates from all over the world to debate the role of youth in the next millennium in bringing about international dialogue for the development of … [Read more…]