OBITUARY – Alicia Alonso

“Perfection does not exist, but things can invariably be done better. That conviction has marked the lives of men. That is why so many advances have been made in science, in technology … I can’t explain why instead of inventing how to kill, we don’t invent on how to live; how to enjoy the beauty … [Read more…]

Boris’s Brexit bombshell

In his pursuit of BRINO (Brexit In Name Only), prime minister Boris Johnson has used a daring tactic to outmanoeuvre his Remainer opponents. He has suspended parliament for 5 weeks, leaving them with very little time to prevent Britain leaving the EU on 31 October with or without a deal. Johnson fully expects that this … [Read more…]

Resolutely condemn the assault on Kashmir’s autonomy

On 6 August 2019, the Modi government scrapped Article 370 of the Indian Constitution and its subsidiary provision (A35A). The Jammu and Kashmir state has been abolished and its place taken by two centrally-run and controlled union territories. All this has been done by presidential order without as much as consulting the Jammu and Kashmir … [Read more…]

The threat of impending recession

The economic analysis pages of the bourgeois media are predicting a huge economic downturn in the near future, with an end to the supposed ‘recovery’ from the financial crisis that erupted in 2007-8. The harbinger of doom is the ‘inverted yield curve’ that we are told has presaged every other recession there has ever been. … [Read more…]

Overproduction woes in the car industry

Nissan Japanese automotive giant Nissan has announced a cull of its global workforce, cutting 12,500 jobs. The company is feeling the heat from the overproduction crisis hitting the global automotive market. Last year its sales were down by 4.4%, with that figure breaking down into a 9% drop in US sales and a 15% drop … [Read more…]

Syria – Ankara and Washington sign a robbers’ pact

On Wednesday 7 August, after three days of talks with the US, Turkey’s defence ministry announced that a ‘Joint Action Centre’ would be set up in Turkey to implement a so-called ‘safe zone’ along the Syrian border. This agreement was wrung out of the US by Turkey only after months of wrangling, punctuated by shrill … [Read more…]

Ukraine update

For the two months that elapsed between the inauguration of comedian-turned president Zelensky in May and the parliamentary elections in July it could be argued that his failure to match campaign promises with political practice could be ascribed to the continued dominance of Poroshenko’s placemen in the Rada, Ukraine’s parliament. Zelensky’s Servant of the People … [Read more…]

Iran – Britain falters onto the warpath

Thwarted in its efforts to impose regime change on the Syrian people, US imperialism is gearing up for war against Iran. Britain is closely implicated in the bellicose preparations, but is showing signs of hesitancy. Over the summer there have been a number of incidents of minor sabotage suffered by commercial shipping passing through the … [Read more…]

Unions call on British government to send in the gunboats

The International Transport Federation (ITF) has issued a joint statement with Nautilus International which reflects no credit on either union. Nautilus general secretary Mark Dickinson, referencing the detention of the British-flagged oil tanker Stena Impero in the Strait of Hormuz, assures us that “Our thoughts are with the seafarers being held, and with their families”. … [Read more…]

US persecution of Latinos

Mass shootings are nothing new in the United States of America. They focus on children, black and brown skinned people, religious groups, etc., and reflect the violent intolerance, bigotry and racism that is so deeply ingrained in the American psyche. One of the latest mass murders occurred at a Walmart store in El Paso, Texas, … [Read more…]