Report – two meetings on Palestine in Brighton

Two meetings on Palestine in Brighton Wednesday, 1st of November witnessed two meetings on the question of Palestine in Brighton. These meetings were initiated by the Socialist Labour Party Youth who are also members of the Sussex University Palestine Society and the national Palestinian Solidarity Campaign. One meeting took place at 3pm on the campus of … [Read more…]

Reclaim our Rights conference

 On October 22nd trade-union activists from across the country gathered at a Conference in London organised by the United Campaign to Repeal Anti-Trade Union Laws. Speaker after speaker gave examples of their struggles against bad conditions at work, against privatisation in various sectors such as health and transport, etc., which demonstrated clearly the need to … [Read more…]

Report on SLP’s education school

 The Education Committee of the SLP organised its first-ever national School on education. It took place at the weekend of 2-3 September in Saklatvala Hall, Southall. This School was very well attended, specially by young people. Presentations, followed by discussion, were made on such subjects as Capitalism, Socialism, Imperialism, and Education. The School concluded with … [Read more…]

Another fatal rail accident

 On Tuesday 17 October a GNER train travelling at high speed from King’s Cross to Leeds came off the rails near Hatfield in Hertfordshire. The result of this accident was the loss of four lives and 33 people injured.The cause of the accident was quickly identified as a broken rail. At the same time, the … [Read more…]

Kfor expropriates Trepca lead smelting plant

 On 14 August 2000, in the early hours of the morning, 900 troops, from Britain, Denmark and France, under a Spanish general, Ortuno, seized control of a lead smelting plant that forms part of the Trepca mining complex, one of Yugoslavia’s most precious assets, and one which imperialism has long lusted after. According to Christopher … [Read more…]

Admission that allegations of ethnic cleansing of Kosovo by Serbs was all lies

 TheGuardianhas been forced to admit that allegations by people such as William Cohen, the US defence secretary, that 100,000 Kosovo Albanian men were likely to have been murdered by Yugoslav forces – the kind of outrageous lie that was used to ‘justify’ NATO’s criminal war in Kosovo – have been proved completely baseless. Jonathan Steele … [Read more…]

The sinking of the Kursk –

Kursk –Russian incompetence or western sabotage? At 0728 and 0739 GMT on 12 August 2000, a Norwegian seismic institution detected tremors in the Barents sea, the second of which registered 3.5 on the Richter scale. Shortly afterwards it became known that the Russian submarineKursk, which was participating in naval training exercises in the area, had been … [Read more…]

Labour Party – 100 years

of faithful service to imperialismThere are people in the left movement, including some calling themselves communists, who make the assertion that the Labour Party is a party of the British working class, which can be an instrument of socialism in Britain. They are wrong. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate that Labour right … [Read more…]

National Missile Defence –

an attempt at world domination by US imperialismPrior to the collapse of the Soviet Union and other east European countries, it used to be the refrain of the imperialist powers, grouped in the war-mongering aggressive NATO alliance under the leadership of US imperialism, that NATO existed solely for defensive purposes – to defend Western Europe … [Read more…]


Spanish Civil War veteran who kept alive the memory of his comrades who left their homes to fight against Franco and fascism The following obituary of Bill Alexander appeared in theTimesof 14th August. In reproducing it in our paper we merely wish to comment that the conservative and imperialist organ –The Times– managed to give a … [Read more…]