IWA(GB) Condemn bombing of Iraq

IWA(GB) strongly condemns the unprovoked bombing of the sovereign state of Iraq by US and British imperialism. This is international terrorism not only against Iraq, but also against the people of the whole world. This time US and British imperialism even cast away the fig leaf of UN Security Council authorisation. This is a blatant … [Read more…]


Genocidal War against the Iraqi PeopleFor over a year US imperialism has been seeking the flimsiest of pretexts for attacking Iraq. In February 1998, it had assembled the largest air and naval force since the 1991 Gulf War and was poised to strike. The deal brokered by the UN General Secretary, Kofi Annan, with the … [Read more…]

India: Two lines in search of a third front

This article, written by Comrade Dipankar Bhattacharya, is reproduced, with thanks, from the December 1998 issue ofLiberation, the organ of the Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist).A little more than six months ago, the United Front was in power. Today it is irretrievably lost in oblivion. The tryst with power of this front of more than … [Read more…]

Fourth Christmas Picket of

Hillingdon Hospital StrikersOn 25th December, an enthusiastic band of supporters took Christmas greetings to the Picket Line outside Hillingdon Hospital. Harpal Brar brought solidarity greetings to the strikers and presented them with another £300 which had been collected for these wonderful workers.When asked to sum up the achievements of 1998, Malkiat Bilkhu spoke of the … [Read more…]

Great Successes for the Colombian Revolution

On 7 January 1999 the Colombian government is at last commencing peace negotiations with the Colombian guerrilla forces of FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Columbia) and ELN (National Liberation Army). It has had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the negotiating table, but with an estimated two-thirds of the country under guerrilla control, there … [Read more…]

The struggle at the Forges of Clabecq (Belgium)

By Jo Cottenier and Jean Pestieau, Workers’ Party of BelgiumOn November 26, over a thousand workers and trade unionists held a demonstration in front the Law Courts of Nivelles (a small city 25 km from Brussels), Belgium, against the holding of a virtually unprecedented trial . Thirteen union representatives and workers were before the court … [Read more…]