Book Review – Harpal Brar’s ‘Socialism with Chinese characteristics’

Buy Harpal Brar’s “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics’ This long-awaited volume comes at a most critical time for the world progressive movement, and whoever sincerely desires competently to serve the masses in their hour of need must surely hasten to read it. It contains a wealth of information about China, the history of its revolution and … [Read more…]

In Memory of Nina Alexandrovna Andreeva

Statement issued by the Secretariat of the VKPB Central Committee July 24, 2020 The Soviet and international communist and workers’ movement has suffered a heavy and irreparable loss. On July 24, 2020, Nina Alexandrovna Andreeva, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, passed away in the city of Leningrad, … [Read more…]

Covid: Parasites enjoy a bonanza whilst workers struggle

The stench of corruption around the multi-million contracts awarded by the government in response to the Covid pandemic has become so bad that even The Times has felt obliged to sound a warning note, fearful of the public backlash that too naked a display of greed, nepotism and outright fraud might trigger. It is getting … [Read more…]

Hands off Belarus

On 9 August Belarus went to the polls to decide which out of five candidates should be chosen as president. The announced winner was the incumbent, Alexander Lukashenko, with 80% of the vote. His nearest rival, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, attracted just 10% of the vote, whilst the other three trailed far behind. Opposition activists accused former … [Read more…]

Tragedy in Lebanon

LEBANON has been hit by a triple whammy. In order of occurrence this consists of: economic collapse, coronavirus and the demolition of half of its capital, Beirut, by a massive explosion caused by fire coming into contact with a gigantic store of ammonium nitrate warehoused near its port. There are no words to describe the … [Read more…]

Grenfell Tower: cladding the culprit, but who is to blame?

It has been more than three years and yet the families and friends of those who lost lives, were injured and lost their homes in the atrocity that occurred at Grenfell Tower are still a long way from seeing any conclusion to the public inquiry. The second phase of the inquiry, on hold since March … [Read more…]

Modern monetary theory – the Magic Money Tree

‘Modern Monetary Theory’ (MMT) is one of the latest fads offered as an easy solution to the fundamental problems of capitalism, pushed by the ‘left’ wng of the Democratic Party in the US and the Corbynistas in Britain. It presents an apparently easy weapon with which to slay their conservative opponents who pester them with … [Read more…]

Celebrating the Korean victory in the Fatherland Liberation War on the 70th anniversary of its outbreak

Unable to hold its annual anti-imperialist barbecue because of coronavirus restrictions, the CPGB-ML instead on the evening of Thursday 23 September held on online meeting celebrating the Korean victory in the Fatherland Liberation War in 1953 and the meeting was a great success, with more than 1,200 attending on line (in youtube and twitter views, … [Read more…]